Team Action Shots Photography Package Pre-Ordering

UPDATED 11/3/2024


Please email us to register your team for the Photo Package - Team Action Shots at the IceBreaker 2024 - email to place your order - include a list of your games.

Orders taken via email/venmo for 2024 as spots are limited, we can't open online ordering.

26th Annual Holy Name Icebreaker

Action shots 2024 Hockey Tournament photo info

updated 11/3/2024

SilverPeak is proud to partner with Holy Name Hockey to provide Action Shots at this year’s ICEBREAKER Invitational Hockey Tournament. We're back for our 3rd year in a row for 2024.

Due to the size of this event, our Photography shooting schedule is determined based on teams who pre-order our Team Photo Package product. In order to guarantee photos of your team, you must pre-order ahead of the event by emailing us ( to register and make payment. Please include a list of your games as soon as you have your schedule!

(Spots are limited, so no online sales)














  1. Open an email chain with your team, and see if the Team Photo Package is something you’d like to group together to purchase.
  2. Make your order via email BEFORE Nov 15th 2023 so that we can schedule your team.
  3. First come first served.

Visit SilverPeak’s Facebook Page to see more sample Action Shots!

Tournament Team Photo Package Information & Details

Get your whole team to split the cost, and save! All images, in high resolution – delivered quickly following the tournament. 


  • Cost is a single team flat rate
  • We shoot 1 full game focused entirely on your team
  • We schedule it ahead and tell you which game
  • *Includes a team photo (by request)
  • Everyone gets the link to view/download all high resolution files
  • Our tagline is “You won’t be disappointed!” and we stand by that. 
  • Guaranteed 500+ Photos of your team!


The Online Web Gallery will provide you ALL-ACCESS LICENSE to every image we shot, where you can download HIGH RESOLUTION Images for personal use. Make prints, gifts, share online, post them to your websites, and enjoy them for years to come.

We do not offer player packages.

NOTE: Entitles buyer to photos of (1) one game. Additional games subject to schedule. Finals not necessarily included! If we photograph more photos of your group during the event, you will get them as part of your package. NO additional cost to have us schedule a Team Photo.

Our Delivery: All images are delivered on the web via beautiful gallery where you can share your photos with friends or family (full high resolution available to download).

The Online Web Gallery Team Package will provide you ALL-ACCESS LICENSE to every image we shot, where you can download HIGH RESOLUTION Images for personal use. Make prints, gifts, share online, post them to your websites, and enjoy them for years to come!

Also Checkout these Customized Products for Sale at this event!

The SilverPeak Sportrait

The SilverPeak Sportrait – A one-of-a-kind work of ART for your home.

Visit our shop to buy this product - we create a custom digital poster for you by selecting the best action shots we captured, we combine your players' name, number, team, and team colors to create a visual stunner for the rec room or bedroom that you'll enjoy for years to come.

The Custom Magazine Cover

Customized Magazine Cover – A one-of-a-kind poster for your kids' bedroom!

Let us create something cool for the kids' bedroom that they'll enjoy for years to come. We use your players' names, jersey numbers, and action shots to create this really cool gift. The poster is a DIGITAL artwork you can use to print multiple copies on your own after purchase.


How many photos does the package include?

We literally take hundreds of photos per game, and estimate that you will get between 500-600 or more photos.

Where are you based and do you travel?

We are located in Pembroke, MA and travel around the Northeast to cover events.

When will we get our photos?

After the end of the event, we typically need a week or two to organize all photos and deliver them via email.

Do you include a Team Photo?

We will do our best to get a team photo to include for free in your team package. However, sometimes due to the nature of fast-paced time-boxed sporting events, and often for reasons outside of our control, we can't take the team picture. As long as your team is well aware ahead of time that we plan to take their team picture, and they agree to be ready on time, then YES it's included. If we capture it - it's free!

Do you get photos of all players?

If all of the players play in the game, then YES. If your player is hurt or somehow doesn't play for some reason then it's out of our control. However, ask about our guarantees - if any parent is not happy with their purchase they can contact us directly!

Do you photograph all games?

Unforunately NO. There's at least 3 arenas going at once for the whole weekend. We typically sell to a smaller fraction of the teams attending. We are a premium service and must be booked ahead to guarantee coverage.

What is your guarantee of our satisfaction?

Checkout our samples on Facebook, as well as those posted above. These are actual photos from the last Season. We've been specializing in Action Shots for nearly 10 years and we've never had a single team ask for their money back! The photos are amazing and you'll be so glad you ordered!

Do you sell on-site?

Since our schedule is determined ahead, based on teams who pre-ordered, there is a very low chance that we'll be able to fit you in, however, if you didn't pre-order, stop by our table and ask!

Do prints come with the team package? Do you sell Prints and Photo Gifts?

The Digital Team Package entitles the team to the photo files in digital form. There are no printed materials that come with your package.

We do offer a print service for a nominal fee - or you can simply download the photos and use your own printing service.

On-site, we do take orders for Customized Posters and Magazine Covers made from the photos we capture.

What else do you sell at the event?

We sell SilverPeak Sportraits and Magainze Covers; Customized digital artwork made from the amazing photos we capture of your players. See samples on our main website. These items are sold separately on an individual basis. Please see our table or order from our shop ahead of the event.

More about SilverPeak's Action Shots

SilverPeak loves hockey as much as you do! You may have seen us at your hockey tournaments over the past few seasons. SilverPeak Studios is becoming one of North America’s Best Sports Action Photography Services, shooting action at countless Canadian and USA Hockey Sanctioned Tournaments held in New England, and Canada.

Elite Sports Action Photography at it’s best. We offer incredible action shots. In addition, we offer beautifully creatively crafted custom commemorative posters. There will be no photos posted online for sale after the event.

Pre-order your Team package. It’s easy, and you can be sure you’ll get all of your team’s photos.

SilverPeak has photographed many of the areas best teams over the years throughout our North American event schedule, and we’re delighted to be invited to this year’s main event!